Konopie.pl S.A., Ozimska 38/2A, 45-058 Opole, NIP: 7543347929, REGON: 521057790.
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Logistics center / vending machines
Concept Automatic, Racibórz, Wiejska 24C
We are open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00
We invite you to make an appointment for the presentation of the vending machine
Are you the owner of a car wash, catering point, flower shop, or maybe a spot in a well-situated place?
If yes, then this offer is dedicated for you!
Rent us 1 m² of land for a self-selling vending machine adapted to work outside and enjoy the profit!
In our vending machine, we sell certified and fully legal hemp products, such as:
CBD droughts
CBD joints
CBD oils
CBD VapePen
Contact us to find out about the details of the offer for you:
Check also other models of cooperation:
+48 735 964 363 (Mo. - Fr. from 8:00 to 16:00)
Opole, Ozimska 38/2A (office)
How can you start a cooperation with us?
1. Contact with our representative - location analysis and price proposal
2. Contract and payment - we provide documentation in electronic form
3. Transport and installation of the vending machine in a place rented by you
Check if you meet the terms of cooperation:
Cooperation in the form of B2B
The status of the owner of the place for a vending machine or the right to manage the place
The sale point must be connected to the power supply and be within the range of the GSM network